Spirituality & Religion
Spirituality & Religion
“Love and Attachment #2”
Non-attachment invites us to cultivate more emotional independence within ourselves, so that our state of mind is not continually dictated and determined by what our loved ones are being or doing.
“Love and Attachment #1”
When spiritual experience demonstrates the intrinsic and expansive nature of love, it frees us from having to endlessly seek it outside of ourselves.
- Dating, Relationships & Sex, Health & Well-being, Personal Development, Reviews, Spirituality & Religion
“What is Tantra, Really? #3”
One volunteer working on reception told me a funny story ... of how a woman once waltzed into the centre, aflush with anticipation, loudly declaring: 'I'm here for the tantric sex!'.
“What is Tantra, Really? #2”
Tantra reconnects us with our hearts, so we can clear away the debris of past disappointments and open up to deeper, more fulfilling experiences of intimacy.