Health & Well-being
Health & Well-being
“Dealing with Difficulty”
If we are honest with ourselves, most of us have at some point avoided something we find difficult, perhaps repeatedly.
- Dating, Relationships & Sex, Health & Well-being, Personal Development, Reviews, Spirituality & Religion
“What is Tantra, Really? #3”
One volunteer working on reception told me a funny story ... of how a woman once waltzed into the centre, aflush with anticipation, loudly declaring: 'I'm here for the tantric sex!'.
“New Year, New You, Neu Roplasticity!”
Everyone's been banging on about brain plasticity - have you noticed? It's not surprising, though. The implications are quite staggering.
“Relaxation and Happiness”
Conscious relaxation is a wonderful way to connect with our inner reserves of happiness because the practice directly addresses the very thing that most often stands in our way - tension.