“Who is Abraham Hicks?”
I’ve been on a path of personal development for a long time now – a good 20 years – and yet, until a few weeks ago I had never heard of Abraham Hicks. The world of self-help, spirituality and transpersonal psychology is ever-evolving, shaped by the innumerable speakers and teachers emerging onto the scene, with their bestselling books, audio and video resources, courses, coaching programmes and workshops. If you’re looking for guidance on how to live a healthier, happier life – you are certainly not short of options!
My previous blog post featured several speakers talking about how they’d used the law of attraction to manifest a soulmate. I was struck by how many of them were referencing Abraham Hicks as a key influence and source of inspiration.
“Manifesting a New Mate” – 6th September 2017
Less than two weeks after that event, my cousin started talking to me about how she’d used the teachings of Abraham Hicks to attract her current boyfriend, plus a little runaround car to rent long-term while living abroad. Both times she was clear and specific in her intention, and both times she got what she asked for. I was intrigued – but why was everyone referring to Abraham as a ‘she’? I decided to investigate.
Who is Abraham Hicks?

If you put ‘Abraham Hicks’ into Wikipedia you get this: Esther Hicks is an American inspirational speaker and author. She has co-written nine books with her husband Jerry Hicks, presented numerous workshops on the law of attraction (…) and appeared in the original version of the 2006 film The Secret. The Hicks’ books (…) are, according to Esther Hicks, “translated from a group of non-physical entities called Abraham”. Hicks describes what she is doing as tapping into “infinite intelligence”.
Their official website describes Abraham as “that which is at the heart of all religions”. It also quotes Louise Hay and Dr Wayne Dyer, describing Abraham respectively as “some of the best teachers on the planet today”, and “the great Masters of the Universe”.
According to their publisher Esther and Jerry Hicks started touring US cities in 1989 – after seeing the practical results they, and their close associates, were getting from applying Abraham’s teachings to their lives.
What are their teachings?
An excerpt, taken from their website:
1. You are a physical extension of that which is non-physical.
2. You are here in this body because you chose to be here.
3. The basis of your life is freedom; the purpose of your life is joy.
4. You are a creator; you create with your every thought.
5. Anything that you can imagine is yours to be or do or have.
6. As you are choosing your thoughts, your emotions are guiding you.
After viewing hours of video footage from live events, I have picked out the following, my favourite quotes – transcribed as spoken – in an attempt to summarise their principal ideas:
1. As you think, you vibrate – and as you vibrate, you attract. This is the way all things happen within your experience.
2. The law of attraction says whatever you’re vibrating you’re going to keep attracting.
3. It is all about the way you flow your energy. How are you flowing your energy, relative to different issues?
4. The way you feel is your indicator of all of this. You can feel how you are flowing your energy.
5. So, that negative emotion is your indicator, that says to you: “I’ve just started flowing energy towards something I don’t want”.
6. Give up the struggle. Give up pushing against what you don’t want and relax into what you do want.
7. It is not through your word or your action but through your vibration, that you are attracting.
8. You are relying almost completely upon your actions and your words to make things happen. It is not that we discourage action. What we are teaching is that if you will flow your energy in advance and then follow that with action, so that you take action that is inspired – action that you are being called to rather than being prodded to – then you have a comfortable joyful experience of ease.
9. If you can look over there and talk about what you want and why you want it, you will vibrate as if you are over there then what’s over there can come over here.
10. Once you’ve had that strong awareness of what you do want it only takes a little attention to it in order to start bringing it to be.
11. You are flowing energy whenever you are remembering something. You are flowing energy whenever you are describing or explaining something. You are flowing energy whenever you are visualising or imagining something.
12. When you talk about what you want and why you want it, you bypass all of those beliefs that have been holding you down. Nothing affects your experience other than the way you are flowing your energy.
Who is Abraham Hicks?
INTRODUCTION TO ABRAHAM – Esther & Jerry Hicks (10-min interview)
ABRAHAM HICKS – On Proving Law of Attraction (9-min video)
ABRAHAM HICKS – On being cut out of ‘THE SECRET’ (9-min video)
In Closing:
My own personal response to the ‘phenomenon’ of Abraham Hicks is that although the source and presentation of the information is arguably rather unusual, the information itself leaves me with a positive, clear, curious, excited, liberated feeling. And these are feelings I’ve learned – through experience – are often worth paying attention to.
I also like the simplicity of what’s being taught. It’s almost as if the central teaching here is this: You get nothing and nowhere by being miserable and moaning about what’s wrong with your life. Cheer up, and start focusing on what is right with your life and what you do want.
And it’s always useful to be reminded of that!
QUESTION: To what extent are you flowing your energy, focusing your thinking, directing your attention ~ towards the things you don’t want in your life?
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Dear Tracy,
I enjoyed this inspiring article and will try to practice! Thank you.
christopher dance
I find a lot of this stuff so me, me, me orientated, what I can get for MY life, sod the prevailing social and political conditions that cause so much suffering in the world.. The emphasis seems to be all about wanting and getting; nothing radical or new there really, just using a particular spiritual language to cloak it in a palatable context..
Well put and on point!
Tracy Starreveld
Thanks Irene – glad you enjoyed it : )