Health & Well-being,  Personal Development

“Could You Give Up Your Favourite Food for One Week? #1”

My friend Chris recently completed the 30-day ‘water challenge’. Riding high on his achievement – having ditched caffeine, fizzy drinks and alcohol for a full month – Chris was ready for a new challenge. I told him he probably ate too much meat. Protesting, he politely pointed out that I probably ate too much cheese. We made a deal. With 30 days of denial feeling distinctly unpalatable to both of us (wincing, sharp intakes of breath) we agreed to let go of our most beloved foods for just one week – to prove that we could! For motivation and accountability, we decided to exchange daily updates and food photos via WhatsApp. As you do.

Challenging our eating habits, via the 1-week meat/cheese-free challenge

Day before:

C: I’m going shopping after work.  NO idea what I’m going to eat!

T: One more day to go and one last gorgeous hunk of goat’s cheddar.

Day 1:
challenging our eating habits

T: Egg on rye toast, yellow pepper crudités and home-made mixed bean houmous : )

C: Nice.

T: Gives me my fatty, creamy fix!

C: Lol.

Challenging our eating habits

C: Filet-O-Fish, on my way home.

T: Cheat.

C: Hey – it’s not meat!

Day 2:

T: How difficult so far, on a scale of 1-10?

C: Honestly, not as bad as I thought – 3. You?

T: Coping – 4.

Day 3:

T: I miss it more on work days. At a loss as to what to put on my oat-cakes. You?

C: Not so bad. Just not sure how I’m going to feel eating a bean burger.

T: They’re nice!

C: Never had one.

Challenging our eating habits

T: I sprinkled flaked almonds on my rice tonight instead of grated cheese, and it’s gorgeous!

C: You put cheese on your rice?!

T: I kinda put cheese on everything.

C: Honestly, I never thought I would do this – going without meat!

T: Probably good to surprise yourself, now and again.

C: Maybe : )

Day 4:
Challenging our eating habits

C: Lunch – left-over bean burger and noodles!

T: You liked them, then?

C: Yeah, they’re actually really nice.

T: Told ya!

Challenging our eating habits

T: My dinner – falaffel, steamed kale and home-made houmous, this time made with borlotti beans! They’re brown – seriously, it has the texture and taste of chocolate mousse!

C: Where’s mine?

T: I’ll send you the recipe : )

Day 5:

C: This no-meat challenge ain’t so bad. I’m actually enjoying it. And I do feel better – not so tired and sluggish.

T: I feel like everything I’m eating is really clean and fresh – rather than gloopy!

Challenging our eating habits

C: I’m liking it because I’m trying things I wouldn’t normally eat. 

T: Hey, that looks healthy!

C: Sea bass and veggies : )

T: Impressed.

C: I’ve never cooked so much either!

Day 6:
Challenging our eating habits

T: Falaffel, omelette, avocado, sauerkraut, artichokes and salad.

C: Wow! Well-jels ; )

T: My packed lunches have been getting progressively more exciting!

Challenging our eating habits

C: This won’t bother you then?

T: Ooooh – hello cheese.

C: Today was tough for me. Rob had left-over chicken curry at work  : (

T: How difficult on a scale of 1-10?

C: 6  : (

T: I went out for dinner with a friend last night, and deliberately chose a restaurant where cheese wasn’t even on the menu! : O

C: Not Turkish then?!

T: Vietnamese – first time ever! Definitely going again : ) 

C: No pictures?

Challenging our eating habits

T: Here are my left-overs.

C: What IS that?!

T: Tofu, rice and stir-fried veggies, mostly. But with delicious sauce and seasoning!

Day 7:

T: Our last day!

C: We did it!

T: How’re you doing?

C: I feel fine. Good actually. AMAZED I didn’t want to kill anyone : )

T: You looking forward to eating meat again?

C: I would eat a bean burger over a beef burger any day.

T: You ARE joking?!?

C: Honestly, 100% – I like them better than beef burgers now.

T: Bloody hell – you’ll be turning veggie next!

C: Time will tell  ; )

Day after:


C: Bad Tracy.

T: Treating myself to a Mexican  : )

C: Bean burger with pork-fried rice.

T: I can’t see ANY pork in that rice!

C: Not much, no  : )

T: Wow – meat has been MASSIVELY downgraded.

C: Hell yeah.

How to Substitute Cheese – Go Dairy Free

10 Vegetables That Can Substitute for Meat

Borlotti bean recipes – BBC

RECIPE: Borlotti Bean Houmous

Houmous is very easy to make provided you have a blender. Keep rotating the types of beans you use, to keep your diet varied and your taste buds interested. Enjoy – it’s dairy-free and delicious!

  • 1 tin (400g) of borlotti beans – drained and rinsed. (Other good alternatives to chick peas = pinto, fava or mixed beans.)
  • 1 generous tablespoon of tahini/sesame seed paste.
  • 1 generous tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Juice of half a large lemon.
  • ½ – 1 small clove of garlic, crushed or finely chopped. (More than this tends to overpower the flavour.)
  • Pinch of sea salt, and black pepper.
  • A tip of a teaspoon of chilli/paprika powder.
  • A splash of water.
  1. Put all main ingredients into a medium-sized mixing bowl.
  2. Add a splash of water to help with blending.
  3. Using a handheld blender, gradually mix it all together, adding more water where needed.
  4. Place into a serving bowl and chill in the fridge for at least half an hour.
  5. Serve with warmed pitta bread, crackers or crudités, with an extra drizzle of olive oil and lemon juice, as preferred.

QUESTION: What is the one thing you have every day that you would struggle to give up?

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Read Part 2 of “Could You Give Up Your Favourite Food for One Week?”


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